Congratulations Tracy & Shyam

We congratulate Tracy & Shyam on finally tying the knot and are wishing them nothing but happiness in their future together. Enjoy the honeymoon to Thailand and India!

The StaffComment
Thank you for your support

Our main goal with SF City Hall Photo was to provide a great service that everyone could afford. Our first booking came within 14 days of launching the site, and now we are receiving inquiries daily. We just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has taken the time to visit. Even if you decide to go somewhere else we appreciate your time.

The StaffComment
Sunday Indeed


Today was spent running from location to location taking photographs of families and couples. One of the best things about the Bay Area is the weather constantly surprises you. So the light I had this morning in Palo Alto was drastically different than the light I encountered this afternoon in Woodside. And both scenarios were a far cry from the overcast clouds and wind I encountered at Fort Point.

But the best part was all the light was amazing. As photographers our job is to understand light to a point where it becomes second nature to place a subject. I don't shoot photos unless I like the light. There are times when we have to break this rule for the sake of getting an image and the results are typically less than spectacular. I do enjoy the fact that I see the world in terms of how things are lit.

Sorry for the rant but I wanted to share something from today and light was it!

The StaffComment
Happy Wednesday!

It's the middle of the week and a perfect time to drop a few words on the blog.

We are noticing a surge in traffic recently. When we started this business we knew it would take time to move up through the search engine rankings. With so many options out there we felt confident our price point and quality would eventually come out on top. We aren't quite at the pinnacle yet, but it is nice to see people taking the time to visit our site from around the world.

One of the coolest feelings is going to a new place and having a local show you around. We hope to be your guide through City Hall and are happy to offer suggestions for almost anything you can think of. Just ask!

Have a great day and see you soon!

The StaffComment
Why Choose Us?

With so many options available, why choose us?

Pricing. Our $350 fee is the absolute best deal you will find for images taken at San Francisco City Hall by an experienced Professional Photographer. Our goal is to make beautiful images available to everyone.

Quality. We use only full-frame DSLR cameras with premium lenses. We then give you the highest possible output from the original RAW file. This way you are able to make prints up to 30" x 40" with ease.

Professionalism. Our staff are here to assist you every step of the way. If you are visiting San Francisco for the first time we are happy to provide suggestions for just about anything you may want to eat or see. Please feel free to ask us anything.

Turnaround. From completion of your shoot we will have your edited images ready for viewing within 48-hours. Your USB drive will also be available by this time as well. We can mail it or deliver it personally if you are still in the city. Usually it takes people a few days or longer to choose which images they would like for their prints. Not a problem. We keep your pictures on file for one year.

The StaffComment
The Great Photographic Myth: Pricing and Value

Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to visit. I wanted to briefly discuss the notions of Pricing and Value in Professional Photography. There are a lot of ways to not only misunderstand, but also to be completely misled by a Photographer who is being less than honest with you, the client.

I am going to stick within the world of Wedding Photography for now, as the primary purpose of this business to provide exceptional imagery at a rate everyone can afford. And to also explain why we charge what we do when everyone else charges significantly more.

If you do a search for "San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photography", the results are numerous. You will find rates from $599 to $5,000. Some of these Photographers have amazing reviews and work and I believe the rates they charge are commensurate with their level of experience. That in itself is fine. You build up a business and reputation one client at a time and as you grow your rates typically do to. But it all comes down to what people are willing to pay.

I find that nowadays there are just too many resources for a couple getting married to look over. To add to this confusion are friends and family swearing that a "good Wedding Photographer charges at least $2500, etc.", firmly planting the notion that you spend more for better images. Absolutely, unequivocally, not true.

While there remain gifted photographers who put the maximum amount of artistry and effort into  their craft and deserve higher rates, they are unfortunately the minority. What we have left are individuals who want to deliver the basic terms of their contract and make additional money from you any way they can. This is usually done by offering all kinds of "upgrades". From higher-resolution files to astronomically-priced prints, this is the bread and butter for the average wedding photographer. So a teaser rate that gets your attention is just that, a way to pique your interest before you are hit with a barrage of additional and quite frankly, worthless, fees.

I don't subscribe to that way of doing business. While we are a company that needs to turn a profit to survive, our rate is ample compensation for the amount of time we will be spending with you during your shoot, and after when we edit and send you your prints and images. I want good photography to be affordable, I don't want to try to sell you anything you don't need and I also think you should be able to do anything you want with your photos. So our $350 San Francisco City Hall Wedding Package was born from this belief. 

We look forward to working with you.

SF City Hall Photo


The Staff