Posts tagged photohrapher

Whenever i travel i always bring my camera with me. I guess that’s a given being a photographer. While i love shooting at the beach the key for me is not be repetative. But it’s also improtant to work with someone who’s willing to be playful, have fun and just try different things. I met Betty while at the Riviera Maya where i went to celebrate New Years Even with my family.

We chatted a bit but when we truly connected is when taking photos. We were both filled with energy and enthusiasm, ready to do whatever is needed to get some of the fun shots. I also wanted to capture Betty (who’s about to turn 17) in this very innocent way of the girl who’s whole life is ahead of her - all the choices, big decisions, new experiences are all waiting and are not that far off.

Here are some of my favorite images from our shoot

Andrea & Kevin by SF City Hall Photo

Andrea and Kevin are getting married in Aruba in 2019, but wanted to do a session at the City Hall as they were getting their license.  They came in on Friday afternoon and although City Hall got filled up with occasional tour groups, it was relatively quiet as the last ceremonies were finished at 3.30.  That allowed us room to maneuver around the City Hall and actually achieve a "clean", crowd-less shot of the Grand Stairwell.  I have to admit it's quite a rare occasion and even then i had to polite ask a few people to move for just a split second.  

It was a gorgeous day and i wanted to take advantage of the outdoors and the sun creating glares and fun shadows.   The end result is quite a good collection of photos done within a very short period of time. 

Akiyo & Ryota