Posts tagged City Hall
Carleigh & Adam by SF City Hall Photo

Who says you can’t have a small wedding ceremony in the City Hall without your bridesmaids and groomsmen? Carleigh and Adam definitely didn’t think so.

Yes, it was small.. yes it was intimate.. and it was perfect! We got great emotional ceremony photos, lots of group photo variations and of course a good variety of photos with just the couple. Couldn’t help it but take extra photos of just the lovely bride by herself.

Tati & Brian

Couples come from all over the world to get married in San Francisco City Hall.  Over the years I've met people who flew from different states and different countries to tie the knot in beautiful City Hall.  

In this case the groom is local Californian, while his bride came all the way from Brazil.  Only Brian's family attended, but we made sure to capture the ceremony and plenty of family and portrait photos for the family in Brazil.  As a side bonus we recorded a video of the ceremony just because we could.  They were a real pleasure to work with.  These are the moments i wish we had the whole day to photograph the couple.  But oh well.. after about an hour we had to let them go to enjoy the rest of their lovely day. 

Monday morning with Anh-Thu and Paul
Must See's in SF City Hall

With such great natural light, San Francisco City Hall offers stunning backdrops for photographers and visitors alike.  This article highlights five great spots for taking pictures, and to helps provide people with a sense of familiarity with the building prior to their visit. 





A true must-have for anyone getting married at city hall.   This sign is located above the middle door of the main entrance on the Polk Street side, and offers the perfect cover to any photo album.  This spot is relatively easy to access and usually doesn't require a wait (Except when protests or demonstrations are commandeering the front steps!)



The grand staircase leading to the rotunda is one of the first things you'll see once you pass security and enter the main building of City Hall. 

This is arguably the most difficult location to photograph since there are often dozens of people trying to get the same shots.  However, with a little patience and luck, great shots await.


Staring out at the rotunda  and the vast beauty of City Hall, the Governor's balcony is a perfect location for couples and group shots alike.  While sometimes difficult to secure unattended, it highlights the architectural beauty of City Hall.


These windows are an absolute must for couples visiting city hall.  Not only does everyone have a blast here, the photos turn out incredible.  Further, since most people avoid exploring the upper levels of city hall, these hallways are usually empty.


In order to truly appreciate the magnificence and grandeur of San Francisco's City Hall, one must venture up to the fourth floor balcony.  Here you'll fine beautiful light for group and couples shots alike.  


Technically not inside of City Hall, the trees lined up outside the front entrance make for even more great photo opportunities.  Living above a massive underground parking lot, these trees offer a great spot for people to capture SF City Hall in a different light. 


Congrats to the beautiful newlyweds!


Intimate ceremony with wonderful people. Best wishes to SF's newest official couple.


Best wishes to SF's newest couple!

Matt & Shayri

Wishing you both a great future together, thanks for the terrific shoot!

Carolyn & Philip

Congrats C&P! Wishing you both the best back in Colorado!

Jeremy & Isabella

Congratulations J&I it was great meeting you and the entire family! Wishing you both nothing but health and happiness in your lives together!

Brooke & Chris

Great future for the north bays newest newlyweds

Congratulations Catherine and Karl!

We did something a little different for Catherine and Karl. 

They wanted images before they arrived at City Hall and we gladly obliged.

It gave us a chance to get to know them a little better before the ceremony. We love the way the images turned out.