Posts tagged photographer
Mariel & Chloe and my take on booking a photographer

I had an interesting email conversation with one of the potential clients. She reached out to me asking about my packages. I provided all the details. She then responded asking what is the difference between my packages on my site and my packages at another website (their rates are lower than mine). That other website is another photostudio and the only thing we have in common is we have cityhall in our name and obviously shoot in San Francisco City Hall. I responded to her with that information and explained that while I understand the price definitely matters, she should look at the photo portfolio and at the reviews to make sure the photographer is what she’s looking for. It’s not always about if you pay more, you get something better. And if the photographer charges less, doesn’t mean they are bad.

The general rule is that photographers charge based on their experience, artistic vision, etc…The main point I’m trying to say is that the couple shouldn’t book someone just based on the price. They should at least look at their portfolio. And you can tell a lot by looking at the images - these are usually the best that the photographer wants to showcase. It represents well their style, their color palette, their communication with the couple. At the end it’s your story… you shouldn’t compromise but also keep your budget in mind.

Now back to this beautiful couple. My goal is always to capture candid, real moments and to also pose my couple in such a way that it’s real. We all love watching the movies and can identify bad acting pretty easy now. Same with these images… the emotions have to be real. Otherwise the image isn’t good enough for me. As a photographers its our duty to tell the story and tell it right

Amanda & Nicholas

I love the first look. I don’t mind arranging it. I’d make sure the groom is positioned in the right place and not looking around too much. I’d arrange to meet the bride at the City Hall entrance and walk her to the right spot.

In case of Amanda and Nicholas, I wanted to hype it even more. I built up the anticipation with Nicholas and then took a few photos of him. I showed them to Amanda and told her he was very nervous (and he truly was).

Amanda looked beautiful and obviously Nicholas hadn’t see her yet. So I told her to take her time when she walks and build that anticipation for Nicholas even more.

And we got some awesome photos from that.

If you’re ever wondering why book the 4th floor for a private ceremony having an awesome harpist could be one of the reasons.

Here are some highlights from our 2 hours session

How To Get Married While City Hall Is Closed

So you’ve been planning to get married in 2020. It’s such a great year for that - numerically, symbolically and just why not? Nothing should stop the couples from tieing the knot. But then the pandemic hits and all the plans are changed. San Francisco City Hall that always attracts a large number of couples from all over the world wanting to get married closed its doors on March 17 and hasn’t reopened yet.

The good news is.. San Francisco City Hall started doing virtual licenses and ceremonies. There are certain requirements you have to meet but for majority of couples it should not be an issue.

You can view all that you need to know here and then book your ceremony with San Francisco City Hall officiant.

Now i understand virtual ceremony is not the same as the one where the officiant is right in front of you. I’ve seen a few of these ceremonies. The officiant is still engaged, the moment are emotional and real. Unfortunately you’re not at San Francisco City Hall Rotunda, or on the magnificent 4th floor balcony, or the grand Mayor balcony. But you’re getting married, you have the person you love the most next to you and you have the officiant who’s “blessing” your union, giving it an official Californian stamp. In the eyes of the state you will be married.

So you get dressed, get your hair and makeup done. Why not take that opportunity and do a wedding photo session after your virtual ceremony. You can’t get inside of the City Hall, but there are plenty of great spots around the City Hall area. As a matter of fact I always left enough time for outside shots because San Francisco City Hall architecture strikes me the most from the outside. It’s what stands out first. The wedding session can be followed by going to the beach, overlooking the Golden Gate, Palace of Fine Arts or any other awesome location in the city.

Tala & Jad

On March 17 for the first time since reopening in 1999, San Francisco City Hall closed down for all wedding ceremonies. As counties in San Francisco Bay Area became the first in the US to mandate “shelter to place” order, all wedding ceremonies got cancelled through April 17..

While coronavirus was taking hold on Europe and various parts of the world, it was still relatively on a low radar in the US. The toilet paper panic hasn’t started. Beans, pasta and rice were still available on the shelves at the stores. But couples started cancelling their wedding as they were concerned already. All that changed in a few days when more and more cases of COVID 19 were being reported in the US, particularly in SF Bay Area.

Tala & Jad didn’t want to cancel. They were determined to get married. They didn’t have a large party. It was just them, Tala’s brother with his wife and daughter. And they were lots of fun! You could tell from the start when they are just “good fun people”. They laughed, joked … and then even danced extremely well.

While this was one of my last sessions at the City Hall before the lockdown, I have no doubt life will go back to normal. Engaged couples will once again walk into the City Hall and leave it happily married… with great memories and photos.

Brittany & Dustin by SF City Hall Photo

We all know that City Hall gets busy and even when officiants try their best to be on time, things can run a bit late. But that wasn’t the case for Brittany & Dustin. Everything went smooth from the moment they checked in to the Clerk’s office. No wait time.

As we were coming up the Grand Stairwell for the ceremony, the stairwell was practically empty. I politely asked a few people to hide behind the columns so i can take a nice wide shot of the couple on the Grand Stairwell. I personally love clean stairwell shots, when the attention is drawn to the couple with the stairwell going up.

After the ceremony we headed to the 4th floor which was clear for us. Even though we can take group shots in various area, I really enjoy doing group shots on the 4th floor due to all that natural light that comes through the windows.

And of course as I always once we are done with the serious and fun shots I wanted to experiment a little - the couple had their own little pose/sign they wanted to do and I decided to take it next level.

Carleigh & Adam by SF City Hall Photo

Who says you can’t have a small wedding ceremony in the City Hall without your bridesmaids and groomsmen? Carleigh and Adam definitely didn’t think so.

Yes, it was small.. yes it was intimate.. and it was perfect! We got great emotional ceremony photos, lots of group photo variations and of course a good variety of photos with just the couple. Couldn’t help it but take extra photos of just the lovely bride by herself.

Irem & Berti by SF City Hall Photo

When your family is not in the same country when you decide to get married, you bring your close friends and Skype.

I have photographed large wedding, very large weddings. I do enjoy that, but a smaller wedding is more relaxing for bride and groom as well as their guests. Everyone gets time to talk to them, joke around, take photos and it ends up being more personal and emotional to capture.

That’s how it turned out when Irem & Berti got married. Once we shot the ceremony, group photos and most of Irem & Berti photos that i wanted to do, I did a few portrait solo photos. As you talk to your couple while shooting and behind the scenes, you learn a lot more. Like the fact that Berti was studying to be a photographer and does some great aerial photos - i checked out his instagram later on.

The best part about my job is that I get to meet people i normally wouldn’t meet. I get to hear stories, learn about their lives, what they like, what they do and at the same time be part of one of their most memorable day.

Aislinn & Philip by SF City Hall Photo

Ailsinn and Philip came all the way from Chicago to get married in the City Hall. No guests, no large parties... just the 2 of them. I served as their witness, photographer and guide around the City Hall for about an hour.  Aislinn mentioned to me earlier that her parents got married in the City Hall, so it was a special location for her. She even showed me a photo of her parents on the steps of the City Hall and asked if we could do a similar photo. We did, minus the pigeons that seemed to have made their habitat on the steps years back. Nowdays you don't get to see that. All though it would make for some good photos.  

Tati & Brian

Couples come from all over the world to get married in San Francisco City Hall.  Over the years I've met people who flew from different states and different countries to tie the knot in beautiful City Hall.  

In this case the groom is local Californian, while his bride came all the way from Brazil.  Only Brian's family attended, but we made sure to capture the ceremony and plenty of family and portrait photos for the family in Brazil.  As a side bonus we recorded a video of the ceremony just because we could.  They were a real pleasure to work with.  These are the moments i wish we had the whole day to photograph the couple.  But oh well.. after about an hour we had to let them go to enjoy the rest of their lovely day. 

Kenzi and Chris
Melissa & Alvin
Hannah and Martin

Thanks for the great shoot! Another successful San Francisco City Hall Wedding!